Being good enough as the only prerequisite to manifest seems to be a concern among my clients lately. Or the lack of being good enough. Recently, I have answered the following question: “Can I manifest what I want even if I am not a good person?” Even some of YT viewers have similar questions

What is being good enough

Being good enough is being able to progress towards whatever you want to manifest irrespective of what is in your face. It is having the inner knowing that you have what it takes to experience whatever you want.

To be honest, I never really asked myself this before becoming interested in conscious manifesting. I just assumed I was good at some things and not as good as others.

The issue is more when you believe you are not good at something that matters to you. When you think that you need to improve on something in order to have what you want in return.

Like most of you, I got interested in the law of attraction and later on in the law of assumption when I wanted to manifest a specific person. My love life was chaotic and I didn’t know what to do. But being unable to have good graces at maths has never impacted my sleep, if you see what I mean.

So, that’s why being good enough is something that is worth mentioning, especially for those of you convinced that without being “able within”, you can’t manifest your SP. Or anything else, for that matter.

Basically, I don’t want you to be in the way of your manifestation only because you wrongly believe that you are not good enough.

The difference between being and feeling good enough

There is a huge difference between feeling and being good enough. Some of my clients ask me what technique they can use to be good enough. My dear Zen manifestors, have you ever killed someone because you felt like it or wanted to harm someone? I’m sure you haven’t. Have you ever harmed a child? I’m sure you haven’t. Therefore, you are a good person. You are good enough. Because being good enough is not a skill you should aim to display, it is your good nature.

Now, feeling good enough, that’s another story. And that’s what matters. Because, when I talk to you, you don’t tell me “I am not good enough because I am not a good person”. You tell me “I am probably not good enough because I can’t manifest my SP”. Can you see the difference? Huge.

Feeling “able within” has to do with your self-concept. In that respect, for me, it is related to your level of self-confidence. And, the great news is: this is a skill you can learn! Or should I say claim back. I will link here my brand new course on self-confidence later on.

Is being or feeling good enough necessary to manifest?

Some of you want to feel more confident, feeling worthy. But as you start working on your self-concept, sometimes you don’t see the end of it. That’s why I am working on a simplified course with activities for you to easily increase your self-confidence. I will also include that module in the self-concept course. For free, obviously.

But what can you do in the meantime? Are you blocking your manifestation because you don’t feel good enough to manifest? I hope not!

It very much depends in fact if you want to feel good enough to manifest or to feel good about yourself. Ideally, it should be to feel good about yourself because this would give you a solid basis to manifest from. Moreover, your life overall will seem easier and easier. Finally, because feeling backed up by some inner abilities and the confidence that no matter what, you can always bounce back and manifest, is priceless.

But even if your only objective is to manifest, this new video gives you another option. Because you need to understand that even when you lack self-confidence in your ability to manifest, you still can.


Now that you know where you can start and what you can do, don’t leave any of your manifestations to chance. Your reality is yours to experience. Go for it!

If you’d like some guidance, accelerate your understanding, and practice what you learn, I can recommend the following courses:

If you want guidance on manifesting faster thanks to a powerful self-concept: Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

Or on crafting affirmations, inner conversations and stories Craft magnetic affirmations – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

Or on and how to remove resistance and finally experience your manifestations: Eliminate resistance in manifesting – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (