In this blog post, we will what it means when you feel like you are losing interest in your SP. Especially if you are still manifesting them. And will they forget about you if you focus less on them?

Everything is Energy

We live in an energetic world. You have energetic thoughts that create energetic decisions. Those energetic decisions are validated or invalidated by your energetic gut feeling in your ability to manifest or not.

All your actions are also energy-based. Everything you do, think, say, feel, wish for, hate, judge, absolutely everything is energy. And everything creates within your energetic quantum bubble.

Newsflash: your SP would still be with you if your thoughts were only loving thoughts about him, you and him, as well as relationships. Not only this, but if your gut feeling had always told you that your SP was crazy in love with you for life.

It is only because you questioned the relationship that there was a fallout.

Losing interest in your SP? Why?

You have saturated your mind already

If you happen to be an obsessive thinker, chances are that you have focused on your SP since the temporary breakup.

  • What is he thinking about?
  • Is he thinking about me?
  • What if he stops loving me?
  • Last time, he said… does it mean that…
  • And what is going to happen if..
  • I hope he doesn’t..
  • Their profile shows that….
  • I wonder if x was here, what he would say about..

Then, you got a breakthrough. Maybe you had a session with a coach, or you got one of my courses, or you watched a video and something clicked. Whatever the reason, you decided to pull back the focus and focus on you instead. Excellent move!

Or you have followed the natural process of manifesting. And by doing so, you have been focusing on you, on your with them, on your great relationship going forward. So much so that now it is believable and feels natural to you.

You are now focusing on you

Don’t you feel some relief not to think about your SP all the time? I remember when I was in loop with mine. I was an emotional roller coaster, I was a wreck, there is no other word. What a horrible time it was. And to make things worse, your SP never comes back in a middle of a crisis. Or if he does, it will be because he hasn’t experienced your crisis yet. I am referring to the time lapse between your energetic signature and the time it sinks in in them. So, whenever your emotional roller coaster hits him, he will likely run away. Your only chance is to become stable emotionally speaking. That will counteract your emotional period.

A quick recap that focusing on you is:

  • forgiving yourself, him, and the relationship
  • accepting who you are, your journey, your circumstances
  • making you a priority
  • ensuring you are following your joy on a daily basis
  • embracing your qualities
  • becoming the prize

Will your SP forget about you if you think of him less? 

Since your energetic thoughts get transmitted to your SP, I can see why you may think that your SP is going to forget about you if you stop thinking about them, or less.

But once you have a connection with your SP, there is what is called entanglement. Guess what. That entanglement is…energetic, too. And it happens to be indestructible. Therefore, even if you think about your SP once a week, the bond between you and him is still there.

Also, when you focus back on yourself, it means you are shifting energy. From considering your SP the prize and being the chaser, you give yourself permission to become the prize. You see, the way you treat yourself energetically shows your SP how you expect to be treated from thereon. Therefore, your SP will have no choice but to pursue you.

And the few times you will think about them, you will remember the good times or see them through another light. This means that your perception of them will change. As your perception of you. Next is to check your perception of relationships, and you’re good to go!

Here is the video I have developed for you on the topic:


Will you still manifest your SP back even after losing interest in SP?

Some of my clients decide to select a brand-new SP at this stage because they feel it will be easier than recreating their SP. Others keep on manifesting their SP. How long does it take? The time it takes them to understand they need to recreate their SP by changing their own perceptions of them and persist in those new beliefs.

If you want guidance on manifesting faster thanks to a powerful self-concept: Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

Or on crafting affirmations, inner conversations and stories Craft magnetic affirmations – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

Or on and how to remove resistance and finally experience your manifestations: Eliminate resistance in manifesting – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (