My clients come to me to either change their physical reality because they are resisting their manifestation. Or because they don’t see any movement, which is also a sign that they are resisting their manifestations. Because a manifestation can only show up when you stop resisting it. If you don’t believe me, and don’t think you are resisting your manifestations (this is especially true for your SP), please read on. 🙂

How do you resist your manifestations?

You resist your manifestations when you:

  • Try and change what is already in your face
  • Don’t believe that manifesting can work for you
  • Speak about what you are experiencing, that you dislike
  • Think mainly about your current reality rather than the one you prefer
  • Keep reacting to what is in your face
  • Believe that the only reality is what is in front of you to the detriment of your imagination

One sure sign you are resisting your manifestation

I have released a video showing you one sure sign that you are resisting your manifestation but also that you are manifesting! I know, right? Better even, that your manifestation is close! In fact, you will see that even if you believe that you are not manifesting, you are deciding what reality you are experiencing. Fact.

I know however that it can be really challenging to manifest another reality, especially if you have emotional wounds whereby what you want seems too far away from you. It doesn’t have to be so, seriously.


How are you resisting your SP?

This is usually the case. All you think about is your manifestation. This is especially true if you lack money or want to manifest an SP. As you know, 99% of my coaching clients resist manifesting their SP. They are in a loop as they think:

  • What is my SP thinking about?
  • Am I still on his mind?
  • What does he feel about me?
  • Why did he say this the last time he texted?

I am sure you can relate. So, to that end, and to help you stop pushing your SP away, here is another video that can help:


How can you stop resisting your manifestations?

Now, what can you do to finally experience your rightful manifestation? You need to stop resisting what you want to experience. Good, we agree on that. How can you do that, in practical terms?

To the point of repeating myself, I would like to remind you of your options. You can:

  • Make peace with your current reality
  • Another way would be to leave your current reality alone
  • Keep focusing solely on what you want to manifest
  • Stop yourself when you speak poorly of what you want
  • Similarly stop fearing what you are manifesting
  • Stop checking the time it takes for you to experience what you want

There are other ways. You can find them in my course on how to receive your manifestation where I explain at length the above plus other ways. I also guide you with practical activities, as for the other courses. Eliminate resistance in manifesting – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

My last client asked me how to stop having fears. My immediate answer was to tell her that, again, she had three options:

You see, there is not only one road to success. You always have many options, meaning that the ONLY aspect of manifestation you should be aware of, is where your FOCUS is. When your focus is on your manifestation manifested, you will always manifest whatever you want.

Happy manifesting!