The power of NOW as initiated by Eckart Tolle is THE way to manifest anything and anybody. Manifesting in the now guarantees your successful manifestation.

Why do manifestors usually fail at manifesting?

My clients typically want a session with me because they are stuck in the past or are afraid that their future can’t manifest. Ouch. When you are too much in your head, this is not you manifesting, this is you being intense.

Manifesting has never been, is not, and will never be an intellectual exercise. Believing that your thoughts only can manifest what you want is a step in the right direction, but unless you never have emotions, there is something you have neglected. And the missing manifesting ingredient is called Emotions or Feelings. Have you ever heard of the book The Feeling is the Secret by the late Neville Goddard? Exactly. He didn’t write that book for fun but because it makes perfect sense.

Does this imply that thoughts can be neglected? Absolutely not! Your thoughts give direction and induce emotions. If you don’t know what you want, how will you get there? It makes no sense.

However, your thoughts alone are not enough. Say that a person wants to become a millionaire and repeats to himself “I am a millionaire” for one year solid. After a year, he doesn’t understand as he is far from being a millionaire.

So, why is that? Your heart is where your beliefs reside. Your heart needs to connect to your brain or mind. The two ingredients are needed to beautifully create. I won’t explain here the whole process, but basically when both are aligned, your reticular activating system will start looking for your manifestation, and so on and so forth.

Why is NOW the only important time when manifesting?

What if I were to tell you to postpone your emotions? Let’s say that your manifestation is the opposite of what you wanted, would you not react? Of course, you would! I know that some coaches including myself do try to tell you to get to a place beyond your emotions if you face an unpleasant circumstance.

But let’s face it, it can be tough! That’s why you should not wait until it’s too late before reacting and trying not to react or counteract your emotions. Indeed, what lots of manifestors usually do is to worry about their thoughts, their emotions. They worry about their future, about if their thoughts could create pleasant or unpleasant stuff. What if their thoughts are opposite to what they want?

The thing is, the past is done and dusted, and the future is not there yet. When you can’t let go of the past and worry about your future, you are digging a hole for yourself. Period. You create every second of your day in the NOW. There is no other time.

Forget about the last conversation with SP, your grade at the last exam, it doesn’t exist anymore. NOW is when you activate the fuel of your manifestation with your emotions.

Your emotions create a certain vibration that is being picked up by whatever or Whoever is creating on your behalf. If you believe that God creates on your behalf, good, that vibration is what He picks up to give you what you want.

Ah, but how will He know exactly the SP I want? You and God are one in the creation. So, don’t you worry, God knows.

Here is the video I have prepared for this post:


What can you do to start using the NOW to manifest 100%?

When you are too much in your head, this is your first indication that you are too intense. If you are positively intense, perfect! But when you are negatively intense, watch out.

Being negatively intense for me is when you worry about your future that hasn’t happened yet and your past that is done and dusted. The only thing I am told during my sessions is that your past has already manifested and therefore you can only believe in it.

And although I totally agree with you, I would like to invite you to change your perspective. So, number one is:

Change your perspective of your past

I am not a huge fan of Neville Goddard’s Revision because I have experienced my past and therefore I can’t deny it. But, I can always change the way I thought it went. Say that I didn’t understand why SP said what he said. At the time, maybe I thought he stopped liking me. That’s the starting point.

Now, he said what he said, but what if he said what he said because he felt he had nothing to offer at the time. Who knows? Does this explanation relieve me? Yes. Is it bad if I choose to believe in that explanation instead of the other one? No. Oh good, then this is my new belief. And since it is based on a perspective, on an opinion, it simply cannot be denied.

Decide on a new version of yourself

Now that you have changed your perspective of what was annoying you in relation to your new manifestation, time to choose another focus.

This is another way of saying a new version of yourself. In fact, you cannot manifest another outcome if you keep thinking the same way and feeling the same way.

Therefore, choose your perspective, decide on new thoughts. Those thoughts should trigger a feel-good emotion.

Optional: find a manifesting tool to help you be in the state

When you are new in manifesting especially, it can be difficult to just change your thoughts and trigger another type of emotions.

Lots of manifesting techniques are on offer:

  • Inner conversations
  • Scripting
  • Listing
  • Visualising

Some manifestors find solace in:

  • Meditation
  • Sportive activities to release any tension
  • Yoga

The idea here is to keep the momentum going so that you enjoy the journey and stop looking around where your manifestation is, how long it takes, etc.

My favourite trick is clearly to live by the motto of Carpe Diem. At first, this can be difficult if you are tense and obsessive, but after a while, it will be a new lifestyle. This is great because consciously manifesting with ease IS, after all, applying a new lifestyle.

Should you like to know more about your

Self-Concept : : Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

Affirmations and Inner Conversations : Craft magnetic affirmations – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

Manifest without resistance : Eliminate resistance in manifesting – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (


I believe in you, I know you can do it, Happy Manifesting!