Bob Proctor passed away this week. This is a big loss in the Law of Attraction community and in the Law of Assumption community or manifesting community I now belong to.

Here are some of his concepts or teachings that are the most important to me.


Who do you think you are?

If I ask you this question, you typically answer me with your name, your gender, your age sometimes, your qualities if you have been in the manifesting community for a while 😊. You will rarely tell me about your beliefs and thoughts.


Your thoughts are not yours

He was the first I heard say that my thoughts were not mine. What? Are you serious? Bob Proctor was that type of genius. He had the ability to make you think. It is so easy to always think the same way, always believing in the same stuff. But when you hear that your thoughts are not yours, you get thinking big time. I know I did.

Bob Proctor was the first mentor who made me understand that I had been programmed by my caretakers to have a certain set of beliefs. Beliefs that them themselves got from their parents and so on.

Choose your thoughts to create what you want

Therefore, the most logical thing to do would be to have other thoughts. Say you believe that your SP is crazy about you all of a sudden, your SP will turn around and confirm that new belief.

I wish it was so simple. But unless you are resilient and can shift the type of thoughts and beliefs without any problem, chances are that you will try, and come back to your original beliefs. Frustrating, I know.

Here is the video for this week:

Your Inner Thermostat

This is because you and I have an inner thermostat. Our thermostat is our original set of beliefs. Our thoughts derive from those beliefs. Say that I believe that I am super smart and will always have good grades whatever I do, guess what. As my original thermostat, even if I had failed in an exam, that would have been a glitch as opposed to a pattern.

On the other side of the spectrum, a child who falsely believe that, like his father or whoever, he can’t do well at school, guess what. He might enjoy learning, but because his thermostat is set on ‘poor marks’, he might get a couple of great marks but because those clash with his original beliefs, next marks will be poor. That way, back to normal.

So, what is the solution?

Breaking patterns

That’s right, the solution is to first break the patterns of the negative beliefs that are stuck in your thermostat. Because if you want to adopt new beliefs on top of original ones, the latter will always trump anything new.

One of his great methods to break patterns was to purposefully change a habit. For instance, he had us use our unused hand to write a sentence for a few minutes. It was uneasy at first, but extraordinary after a while when you could use that other hand. That was proof that you could change a habit.

That’s why I teach you to also break your routine when you don’t experience what you want. You need to increase what I call your quota of happiness.

Repetition of new paradigms

Then and only then should you start repeating your new beliefs. Again, if you start repeating your new beliefs in the hope they will go through, you are not understanding the power of the original settings. And lying to yourself is not the solution. Repetition works like magic only once you have moved away from the old.

Now, remember what another great author said about this. Neville Goddard used to say that you can’t serve two masters. In other words, you can’t believe in the truth of both the old beliefs and the new ones.


Setting goals

I thought I was pretty good at setting goals! After all, in my former line of work, I was good at those! But again, Bob Proctor made me understand lots of things.

Setting goals is not only about having nice and neat ideal objectives. If it was that easy, we would live in a world of millionaires. Everybody would be with their specific person. There would only be good health. Happiness. You name it.

Setting goals is all about listing what you want to experience without looking at what is the real potential of you achieving them.

Fantasising is your best ally

Mr Proctor used to talk about visualisation. Later, Sandra Gallagher would talk about visioneering. I’d rather use my imagination through inner conversations and conscious affirmations, but anything works. Here is my course on the topic:

Craft magnetic affirmations – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

Again, the beauty of fantasising is embracing your manifestation as if you were rehearsing it. Without any consideration for its feasibility. Circumstances will change to allow you to experience what you want.

But, Neville Goddard, yes, him again, said: feeling is the secret. In other words, wanting to manifest something you know cannot happen, like having lunch tomorrow on Venus, is inefficient. So, stretch your mind but don’t go crazy either 😊.

Achieving is all about a winning attitude

And in order to keep the momentum going, your best course of action is to work on a winning attitude. Easier said than done, right? Well, not so much. It’s a matter of knowing what you should do.

Having a winning attitude is a self-journey when you realise that you can manifest what you want when you put your trust in your new beliefs. But before you can reach that level of ease, ask yourself who you think you are.


That’s when your self-concept is important. If you think poorly of yourself, it won’t be easy. Now, something that took me years to understand: it’s not about you improving who you are. Bettering yourself. Not at all. It has to do about your perception of who you are. Your perception of your manifestation, and you in relation to it. Perception is the keyword here, not you trying to become a better version of yourself.

In that respect, as you know, I have a thorough course that I have mainly applied on relationships: Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (


I know you can do it, I believe in you, so on that note, Happy Manifesting!