I have been asked why sometimes manifesting goes wrong, and if there is something you can do to fix your manifestations.

Manifesting when you fear your thoughts

Where is your focus when you fear your thoughts?

Manifesting can go wrong when your focus is not where it should be. To the point of repeating myself, your focus should only be on what you want. Even better, on what you have. Indeed, when you clearly formulate what you want, it is already done. In your imagination and in your heart. Meaning that you have activated your manifestation and it is just a matter of time before it shows up in its physical form, in matter, in your life. Or physical reality, as we say in the manifesting community.

When your focus is on your situation, it is manifesting more of the situation. And as you know, your situation is a problem for you. If it wasn’t, you would try to fix it, obviously.

So, first step is to choose your point of focus. Whatever you decide, your focus can no longer be your problems, otherwise known as circumstances. I know it is difficult sometimes to focus on something else. Been there, done that. That’s why you need to make a decision and stand by it. in other words, you cannot make the calculated decision to focus on your manifestation and one hour later, cry over your circumstances.

What you fear or love manifests. Period. However, you can minimise the impact of your fears as you decidedly choose to face them and detach from them.

Are you facing immediate danger? Probably not. Your fears are thought based. And considering you are the one deciding on the type of thoughts you want to entertain; I rest my case.


What do you manifest when you are aware of your negative thoughts?

That’s the blessing and the curse all at once. Being aware of your negative thinking is great because you can then make an informed decision that they have to leave your system. If you were not aware of their impact, you would keep on entertaining them, creating an insidious loop. Hell no (pun intended).

When you are aware of the impact your negative thoughts can have on your future reality, it is a superb opportunity to claim your power back. No more trying to fit to a reality you dislike. No more compromises. Nope. Because YOU are the decision maker, the operant power, the driving force. YOU control your thoughts and not the other way around! Don’t you find a bit worrying that if you were not aware of the impact of your negative thoughts, those thoughts control you, your emotions, and your life? Now, that is a scary thought alright!

If you are still not convinced, let me try another explanation. Simply said, if you entertain your negative thoughts, you inevitably feed them with the emotion called fear. Fear is a very powerful manifestor, one that should never be neglected.

This means that your scary scenario may manifest, if it makes sense to you. Indeed, if you fear seeing a blue elephant in your living room tomorrow, this will not manifest. However, if you fear being sacked and this scenario is logical to you, watch that space.

Obviously, since you don’t want your catastrophic scenario to manifest, again, switching your focus is critical.


Top hacks to get your manifestation back on track

The most pressing aspect within your self-concept

If I had to do it all over again, I would start by focusing on my qualities as a manifestor. Because, in fairness, I stayed for a few months terrified of manifesting my negativity. Hear me out: my negativity. Because I was feeling down, I was afraid that I could only manifest crap. The thing is, what you should be mindful of is only the way you think and feel towards your manifestation.

If you feel down as you think of your weight, but you are manifesting a promotion, can you see that you feeling negative about your weight has no direct impact on your promotion? Especially if you feel good about being promoted?

If you try and fix many aspects at the same time, it could be overwhelming for you. So, you could focus on what you have achieved already. Acknowledge that your manifestations didn’t seem too

Then, move your attention to the present. What is your latest achievement to date? Now, I’ll give you a tip: take one tiny success (unrelated to your manifestation, it doesn’t matter), and magnify it.

Let me give you an example: say that you wanted to catch the bus because you had an important appointment. Too bad, you are running late. Still, you decide to run, and to your surprise, the bus that is always on time, is two minutes late. You are on that bus. This may sound trivial in the big scheme of things. But who cares? Who is going to go into your thoughts and tell you that this is too trivial? No one. Because YOU decide. Then, repeat to yourself “I was on that bus, I’m the best!”. You are magnifying a TRUE manifestation.


Release trapped emotions in your body

I have released a few videos on emotional purge. Or how to release trapped emotions in your body.

If you opt for an emotional purge or the Ho’Oponopono prayer, do not dwell on your emotions. Nurture them, sit with them, and right after, focus right back on your manifestation. This is KEY. Your shift depends on you detaching but focusing on something different. Releasing trapped emotions or the Ho’Oponopono prayer are fantastic ways for you to have closure. There are other methods that I discuss in my courses, but those are very good.


The Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Prayer

I have also released a video on the power of the Ho’Oponopono prayer.

And remember that you can study Self-Concept and work on the activities to manifest from a powerful place. If you are interested in this course, you can have a look here, see if it can help you: Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (zennumerostar.com)
I believe in you, I know you can do it, so on that note, Happy Manifesting! ❤️